
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stressed up and frustrated

We just had a ‘confrontation’ just now, and just like always, it’s not even about me, it’s about his mom. But it was enough of an excuse for him to make me feel worthless. I did not even utter a syllable and got to my room. Honestly, I just don’t know what to say, my mind was blank. Maybe ‘he’ is right, I am really an idiot. Even when I got to my room, my heart ceased to stop hitting on my chest, and my hands were cold and trembling slightly, and I felt sweat drops gathering on my forehead.

I don’t want to feel small, so I tried to focus on something else, I went to Facebook. I used to be interested in having a peek in other people’s life, but this time I simply cannot. The more I looked at the people smiling in the photos, the more I felt nervous. My vision kept on wavering, and I kept on telling myself, ‘he’ wasn’t even mad at me, but I can’t help it. I really hate being like this, I really really hate this feeling.

Now that I’ve calmed down a bit, I start to wonder, is there any other families experiencing this? I am pretty sure there is, probably even worse. I don't know why am I making such a big deal out of this. Oh well, I sincerely hope that my future family will be free of all this 'drama'.

On the bright side, I feel much better after writing this, the lump in my throat is still there though, but I guess it’ll be fine soon.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

First time skating (Y)

Two years after graduating from high school, I am sadly not interested in meeting up with my former classmates, except my two best friends. So, when one of them invited me to skate, I can’t refuse right? And, when she invites people that I am not really interested to meet, I still shouldn’t refuse right? I’m not saying that it is not fun, hell, it is damningly fun, and the two old classmates turned out to be better persons that I thought they were.

Everything was fine… until my ass realized it’s affection to the icy ground. And so, here I am, sitting on the bench outside of the ice rink, back completely straight, like I am expecting someone, except I’m not, because I can’t lean on my lower back. And that is when I start realizing something important: the best first date ever, would be the ice skating rink, IF your date is a novice like me. If not, just give up.

It’s very much logical, because, speaking from experience (that I gained just now), holding hands is unavoidable. It is because, idiots like me, get bored easily by simply skirting the rink while clutching on the sides of the rink for our dear lives, we love to wander, and be adventurous. But we can’t do that, with the fear of breaking our bones, so, we hold onto another person. See where is this going?

Furthermore, I’m not sure if this happens to other people, but it happened to me, when we are in the middle of the rink, when the sides are far far away, holding hands might not be enough. In my case, I lost control of my skates and they moved inwards, causing me to twist, to save myself, I hugged my partner, which is my best friend (don’t think too much). Rather sadly for me, this happened to me for more than once. But imagine what if it is a young couple. Just glance at the strings of possibility.

So, this is the time when I start missing my mobile phone, and cursed myself over and over again for suggesting getting a locker. But I swear that I am NOT going back into the rink, unless they dry up the ice again. Aaand I broke my promise to myself in not more than 10 minutes, I’m just that gutsy (restless). 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Reckham---home for the soulless

Down the narrow path of Reckham, wilting trees are hovering over the passersby, staring closely at their every move, watching quietly. It was a silent night, not even the wind is sounding, not even the wild boars are howling, the night seemed as though it is… not alive. 

Reckham town is the home for the deceased, located right at the borders between Darcastle city and Lightmanor city. Every unidentified dead body will be sent here to be put at rest, or so it seemed. 
Two hooded man, braved the uneven path on the land of the deceased, which brought them straight to the heart of the heartless, the infamous grave of the two cities. 

“Oh dear lord,” under the hood, Ryan Dyke, a charming blonde lad mumbled with a playful grin, “the damp weather is killing me.” 
“There master,” the other hooded man, his butler, pointed ahead towards a cathedral looking building, “we are to arrive swiftly.” 

Under the dim lighting of the gloomy evening, the cathedral looked like a huge tomb itself. The wilted tress did not cease to frame the way towards the cathedral, and it continued on until the trail is out of sight. “I wonder,” Ryan mused aloud, “Who went through the trouble to plant those dead trees?” 
“Perhaps they weren’t dead when they were planted,” the butler replied without a hint of emotion, and Ryan laughed out loud, “Impossible, I am absolutely sure that they were dead before planted.” 

Even though the master sounded as though he was joking, but knowing his master, he knows that it was not a jest. 
As they approached the cathedral, they noticed that the walls of the cathedral is covered unevenly with a thin layer of blackened moss, “it seems like someone had been trying to burn down to moss issue,” Ryan Dyke touched the moss coated wall, “a little too eccentric if you ask me.” 

The butler paid little attention to his master now, and went on ahead to the pair of brass gargoyles door knocker. He studied the careful crafted pair of terrifying creature, every curve of it is very well refined, definitely the handiwork of a skillful craftsman. He raised his gloved hand and held the knockers lightly, with a few pushes; he created a rhythmic knock on the wooden door.

Ryan stood by his butler and watched as the butler played another short but rhythmic knock on the wooden door, then he lightly whispered to the butler, “I think ringing the bell would be much more effective.” 
The butler’s face reddened in chagrin, “my apologies, I was too taken in by the door knockers.” Then he quickly reached for a long rope, which he had just noticed, and pulled on it, causing the chiming of several bells in the cathedral. 

“You should have noticed the rope, especially when there are no scratch marks behind the knockers,” the master said with a smile, but the butler took his words by heart. “Master is right, I need to strengthen my observation skill,” he thought to himself. 

They were left waiting at the door in the chilly weather for several minutes more, then, some noises of behind the large wooden door is heard. Suddenly, a piece of small rectangular metal on eye level was moved aside, a pair of dark brown eyes looked out from the gap cautiously, “What business do ya ‘ave ‘ere?” 
“Good evening, sir,” the butler bowed slightly, “my master, Sir Dyke, is here for the matter that we mentioned through the letters.” 
“Sir Dyke,” the pair of eyes narrowed. 
Ryan saw his doubt and cut in, “I suppose you need some sort of prove to my identity, yes?” 
“Prove! Yes,” the pair of eyes shown in relieve, that ought to do the job. 
Ryan signaled the butler, and the butler took out the family brooch of the Dyke family. Their family symbol is a dragon showing its fangs, hissing. It looks awfully like a snake with legs and wings, Ryan reckoned.
The eyes examined the brooch only for a moment, then the rectangular metal was placed back to cover the gap. The butler kept the family brooch back in to his pocket, and the both waited as the sound of the locks being reverted is heard. Not a moment too long, an old short man appeared in the doorway. 
“Come on in,” he said gruffly. 

The two went in and passed the old man by. Ryan examined the interior of the cathedral as the old man replaced the locks. The room is warmly lit with white candles that lead to the altar, where a statue of the Christ stood. Along the way towards the altar, two rows of long chairs were placed. Ryan noticed that at the four corners of the square hall, a stick with red candles lit atop was placed. This is a local superstitious way of keeping the ones that is not alive away. 

“We never expect you sir to come for real,” the old man grumbled as he walled passed them and waved for them to follow, “this is not a place for sirs.” 
“What makes you think so?” Ryan asked. 
“Ain’t no carriage can pass through the path out there,” the old man stated the obvious, “and you ave’ to be mad to walk all the way here. Even I ave’ to admit that tis damningly eerie out there.” 
“I have to defer, I found the walk fairly refreshing,” Ryan said with a chuckle, “don’t you think so, Edmund?” 
Edmund the butler kept his silence. 
“Argh, enough small talks,” the old man grumbled as he brought them pass the altar towards a room behind the veils.  

Edmund raised his brows, even though Ryan will not be succeeding his father’s ranks, but he is still a viscount. Almost never in his life has he heard anyone been so rude to Ryan, fortunately, in the viscount’s eyes, he saw only amusement. Edmund sighed lightly. 

The old man opened the door revealing a flight of stairs that elaborates towards darkness. He calmly lighted the candles on the wall one by one along the narrow stairs. Ryan walked in between Edmund and the old man. Edmund notice a small frown on his master as Ryan was watching the old man light the candles. 
Suddenly, the old man slipped and almost fell, Ryan got him just at the nick of time, “damn those damning mice,” the old man growled. 

“I can’t imagine how inconvenient it would be for you and you master to pass through this narrow stairs every day,” Ryan said while straightening him. 

The old man regained his balance and said too quickly, “it’s not, if not for you people.” 

He continued his chore of leading and lighting the way with some low grumbles. 

They descended the long and narrow stairway that led them to a dimly lit oval shaped library, with shelves filled with books as walls. The shelves are spaced out in between, but there are no walls behind. The old man told them to wait in the library while he disappeared into the gaps between the shelves. 

“Hmm, this is interesting,” Ryan mused as he walked to the center of the library. He looked up and saw the sharp roof of the cathedral, far ahead, pointing upwards. The weak light of the crescent moon shone through the cone shaped roof cap, causing reflection in the crystal material, and the light spread straight down to a wooden table right beside of Ryan. 

Edmund walked towards the racks that the old man has disappeared into, only to find another layer of shelves behind the first layer. The gap between the first and the second layer of shelves, Edmund measured roughly, are the same as the gaps between the shelves itself. 

“Amazing,” Edmund took another step. 
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” Ryan said while resting on the leather seat behind the desk under the dim moonlight, “you’d probably get lost.” 
Edmund’s face lit up with a grin, “you mean it’s like a maze?” 
Ryan flipped through a notebook lying on the desk, “no--” 
Two voices said together, “--a labyrinth.” 

Ryan looked towards the direction of the second voice; on the opposite side of Edmund’s position, the man was in formal wear, though it is distorted. He left his raven black hair in a mess, and an edge of his dress shirt is out of his trousers that are stained with dirt, leaving his first two buttons undone, his neck tie is obviously nowhere to be seen. However, that doesn’t hide his refined face features, especially his light brown eyes, so light that it is almost gold.

“Spencer,” he offered his hand to Ryan, “pleasure to meet you, Sir Dyke.” 
Ryan smiled and took his hand with a firm grip, “It’s nice to finally put a face to a name, Mr. Bellingham.” 
“Oh dear,” Spencer smiled nervously, “please do call me Spencer, my last name make me sound like an old man with a beer belly.” 
“Indeed it does,” Edmund mumbled, because that was the exact image in his mind when he saw Spencer’s name. 
“So Spencer it is,” Ryan stepped away from the desk. 
A second of awkward silence elapsed, and Spencer waved for the old man to retire for the night, “thank you George for tending to my guests’ needs, you may now retire for the night.” 
George grumbled something that sounded like, “took you long enough,” and left the oval library to the three of them. 

As the sound of the door slamming was heard, Spencer stiffened in anticipation, “I believe that you are here for the body from the River of Ales.”  
The both of them nodded, and Ryan said, “We would like to see the corpse.”  
Spencer laughed, “You gentlemen have no idea how happy you have made me today.” 
Ryan tilted his head a little, “then, please do lead the way.” 

Back in the inn in Darcastle, Ryan had did some research on Spencer. Spencer Bellingham, once in line as the ruler of Lightmanor city, gave up his crown to his brother, due to his passion in the ‘mysterious human body’, as quoted from his last words to his people. His only request is the land of the soulless—Reckham town. 

“Please follow closely,” Spencer lit a two more candles, and handed them one each, “I myself have gotten lost a few times.” 
Edmund was very uncomfortable with his statement, “you mean to say that you had not fully travelled the area?”  
“I have not the time, nor the interest,” Spencer went through in between the shelves that George first did, and the both his guest followed closely. 

As they walked deeper, Spencer took a few turns, and Ryan had them all remembered, even though he is sure that this trail probably will not bring them back. 
“I believe that Norton Greene is not the first corpse sent to you from the River of Ales?” Ryan asked while following Spencer’s footsteps. 
“No, he is not,” Spencer shook his head, “however, his body is quite… different from the others… but you must know that already, for you to come all the way for a dead man.” 
Ryan smiled, “indeed.” 

The last turn to the left brought them to a door. Spencer used a something that resembled a key to unlock the door, and he went in. Ryan following Spencer, had entered a room with bricks as walls, and lit by merely four candles. Oddly, the brightness is sufficient to light up the whole room. 

“Reflecting walls,” Ryan touched the wall, and realized that the bricks are coated with a thin layer of smooth gel of some sort. 
“Yes, yes,” Spencer nodded happily, “it allows the room to be bright enough without heating up too much.” 
Ryan lips curved into a grin, “to keep the bodies fresh.” 
Spencer ran his finger through his hair, “well, it’s still for a limited time. But fret not; I am already working on a formula to be applied on the bodies.” 

“Wouldn’t the supplement destroy the evidence?” Ryan asked while looking around the room that looks almost empty, without taking the pale body lying on the large stone table into account. 
“That is not a problem,” Spencer grabbed his notebook from his pocket, and showed Ryan, “see? Doing this and that,” he pointed at the pictures and the words on his notebook, “it wouldn’t compromise the evidence at all.” 

“I’m impressed,” Ryan couldn’t take his eyes from the brilliant marking of Spencer’s work, “but it seems like you are lacking on some items?” 
Spencer beamed at Ryan; he isn’t always in company with people that understand his work, what not appreciate it. Therefore, he is really excited with confiding on Ryan. 
“Unfortunately yes,” Spencer closed his notes, “there are two ingredients that I can’t seem to get my hands on.” 

“Perhaps I can be of some assistance,” Ryan is quite a traveler; it shouldn’t be hard to look for those ingredients. 
“It would be my utmost honor,” Spencer sighed, “unfortunately; I have yet to be able to name the substances necessary. But I can give you the description.”  
“That’ll do.” Ryan patted Spencer’s shoulder as a reassurance, “speaking of assistance, have you seen my butler around?” 

Spencer shot up alertly and looked around the room, he looked out the door towards the layers of book shelves, but all he can see is a sea of darkness. 
“Dear god,” Spencer exclaimed, “he must have lost his way in the labyrinth!” 
“Oh well,” Ryan shrugged, “we’ll just have to start off without him.” 
“But shouldn’t we head out to look for your butler?” Spencer wiped his sweat from his forehead. 
“Don’t worry, he is quite a capable butler,” Ryan made a hand gesture to signal Spencer to come forward, “now enlighten me on the oddity of this dead person.”
“Norton Greene,” Spencer put on his reading glass and raised his notebook, “a young man with the age of 24.” 

Spencer took the white cloth covering Norton’s body down to his lower torso. Ryan frowned at the face of the deceased. Norton Greene doesn’t even look close to a twenty-four years old young man; he could definitely pass as a forty years old, old chap. 

Spencer caught Ryan’s confusion, and said, “Indeed, he looks nothing like his age.” 
Ryan’s gaze moved down to his torso and limbs. There are no obvious wounds; only a long cut, sewed back in place now, from his chest to his abdomen is seen, in which Ryan believe was done after Norton is dead. 

“According to the reports, Norton is supposed to be a drunk that fell into the river, like they always. However, I found no remnants of alcohol in his body.” 
“It might have evaporated by the time he was transferred here.” 
“True,” Spencer nodded, “and so I moved on to his lungs. And they were as dry as they can be.” 
“He wasn’t drowned.” 

Spencer shut his little book labeled – Norton Greene, and his eyes shone under the flickering candle lights, “He was long dead before he was thrown into the River of Ales.” 
“Murdered,” Ryan frowned, “how?” 
“I can’t be sure,” Spencer’s grasped his hands together, “what I am certain, is—,” 
Spencer looked around quickly then reached for a small glass bottle from the brick table beside the body, and showed it to Ryan up close, “—these little red things are definitely connected to his death.” 

Ryan took the bottle as Spencer handed it to him, inside the bottle, a number of blood red colored, irregular shaped, crystals, laid still. 
“I would’ve confused them with blood if I haven’t tried to mix them in water,” Spencer confessed. 
“You picked them out of the body, thinking that they are blood, and mixed them in water,” Ryan turned his attention back to Spencer, “what were you thinking to achieve?”  
Spencer ran his fingers through his hair again, and blushed slightly, “it’s a habitual activity.” 
Ryan narrowed his eye at him suspiciously, and decided to leave the matter. 

“In any case, can you investigate into these red crystals?” Ryan asked. 
Spencer gave him a swift nod, “I’m confident that I can decode it, in time.”
“That’s reassuring,” Ryan smiled, “please do inform me if you have had any breakthrough with it. In the meantime, I’ll scour resources in order to assist you in your investigation.” 
“That is most appreciated,” Spencer beamed, “is there anything else that you need me to attend to?” 
“Nothing for now,” Ryan shook his head, “but, do remember to keep this within the shadows.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Spencer took off his reading glasses, and secured his book in his pocket once again. 

With that said, the two departed from the room and Spencer locked the door before leaving. 
“With the labyrinth outside, I do not reckon that anyone can trespass into the room,” Ryan asked, “so why the security?”  
“Well,” Spencer grinned ever so slightly that it almost escaped Ryan’s eyes, “locks work both ways.”
When they got back to the library where Ryan and Edmund first met Spencer, someone was already resting on the reading chair, with a book in hand. 

“Edmund, you scoundrel,” Ryan exclaimed, “Where have you been?” 

Edmund immediately stood up from his position and went to his master, “remorsefully, I had been attracted by a certain book in the racks, and got broken off from our trail.” 
“Consider yourself a lucky man, Edmund;” Spencer patted his shoulder, “only a handful had been able to exit the labyrinth.” 
“What a joy,” Ryan grinned at Edmund, and glanced down at his hands only for a split second to know the secret to his extraordinary luck. 

“It had been a pleasure,” Ryan turned to Spencer, “I’ll be waiting for your news.” 
“Will do,” Spencer bowed, “till we meet again.” 
The door that led them to the library was slammed open at that instant, a distant grumbling was heard. 
“There, George will escort you two gentlemen out,” Spencer stepped back into the shadows, “oh and,” 
In the dark, only Spencer’s silhouette can be made out, “Mr. Butler, I noticed that your glove has gone missing, what a shame.” 

Edmund tried to grasp hold of Spencer with his sight, but he had already disappeared into the sea of shelves. Right by Edmund’s side, his master is beaming with amusement, “he is quite a something, isn’t he.” 
Edmund sighed, “He was in line for the throne.” 
“I wonder if his brother is as amusing as he is,” Ryan turned his back towards the direction Spencer had headed to, “King William III.” 

“Bloody hell,” George got closer down, “crazy rats!” 
 “Do stay put,” Ryan advanced towards the old man on the stairs, “we are on our way.” 
Ryan stole one last glance at the crystal glass roof, and realized that the moon had already gone back into hiding. 

By the time Ryan and Edmund said their thanks to the old man George, the sun is already half way up, ridding most of the eeriness of the town, but the trees remained to be un-lively as they were before. 

They got their cloaks back up, covering their heads, and Edmund asked, “Where to? Sir Dyke.” 
“Background checking,” Ryan shoved both his hands into the pockets. 
“Crumbshire town of the Lightmanor city,” Edmund confirmed. 
Suddenly a thought intruded his mind, “isn’t that our informant’s homeland?” 
Edmund smiled, “yes it is.” 
Ryan smirked, “we’d finally meet that ‘incredible’ sister of his.” 
“The healer.” 
Ryan remained silent for the rest of the walk. Edmund studied his master’s expression, and cold sweats started to fall. He recognized that look on his master’s face; Ryan always has that mischievous glint in his eyes when he is plotting something, something that usually would have Edmund end up in wounds.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

And so I cut my hair short

We have been together for 6 years now. I did not realize how good it was until it all went bad. When we started out together, I worked very hard for our relationship to remain the way it is, or go better. Fortunately, as the years passed, our relationship is becoming more and more secure, especially last year, I worked extra hard, like harder than diamond hard, to bring our relationship to a new level. When I succeeded, we were so happy, my friends were also happy for us, even my parents were cheering for us, it's as if we are meant to be. 

But, at the beginning of the year I had been slacking off. We met lesser and lesser, there's always something else. And so, now, it really happened. We broke up. Well, not exactly, there's probably still room to savior it, but, I really have to work very hard to save it. I didn't even realize that we are going down hill until a week before the trials. Yes, good grades is dumping me. Sad, I know. I know it's my fault mainly, I had been unfaithful. I cheated on good grades... with... manga's and anime's... I am a horrible horrible person!! Guilt is cutting into my skin, burning with every stab. Would you forgive me? I promise I won't cheat on you again, Good Grades, I swear on my fluffy doggy, please let us go back to how things were, I'll change, I'll the obedient and responsible nerd again, if you'll only give me one more chance, I'll make things right again.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Just Rants

So I went to do a blood donation today, like ten minutes ago? Anyway, see, I have got some skin issues, and damn it, I forgot to put on the lotion today. So the guy was like, "oh no, you skin no clear, cannot give, cannot give.." So he meant to tell me that they can't accept my blood, just because 'my skin no clear?!' I'm trying to do good here dude, just take my blood bro! But a no is a no, so I'm right here, sitting in front of my laptop, overfilling with PERFECTLY HEALTHY, AWESOME, LENGEN-wait for it-DARY
!(ok, maybe not legendary) blood, it's O (Rh+) by the way, so it's a universal donor, so doctor dude, your loss, your loss. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Just Rants

Ok, so I worked today, totally guilty, I should be home studying, blah blah blah. Put that aside, I’ve actually really had a productive day. I met many people, spoke to more (on the phone), and I saw a lot of good looking guys, so I’d call it a day. If in the end, and all those meant nothing, I can still say, ‘hey, I made good money! For real!’ 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Fan fiction on assassin's creed

Slacking in my room one afternoon, I was playing a computer first person shooting game. I ‘paused’ the game for a drink, and then I heard a small beeping voice. Thinking that it is from the game, I quickly checked the screen, but the picture remained frozen. “Wtf?” I mumbled to myself, while venturing out of my room, thinking that it might have been originated from downstairs. I descended the stairs, and realized that no one’s home… Odd, they would have told me, but, what the hell, like I care. I went towards the noise an saw an opaque rectangular device lying on the kitchen island table. 

Curiously, I picked it up. Just as my flesh touched the device, it lit up in violet lights, forming the picture of a loading bar and the word ‘calculating’. Suddenly, I felt a pinch on my thumb from the hand was holding the device. Reflectively, I dropped the device and it fell on the floor. It did not break, but the loading bar is filled, and the word ‘calculation complete’ appeared on the screen. I knelt down by it side, examining the device from a distance. Out of a sudden, it shone a laser sort of light straight up, forming a hologram. 

“Cool,” I muttered. 

“DNA sequence identified, Haley Jones, the 113th descendant of the Cellini family,” a female automated voice said, “should you accept to initiate the mission, Mission 134: Noah’s Ark, please look directly at the hologram.” 

“Why the hell not?” thinking that this is just another cool game device, I picked up the device and looked straight at the violet hologram. 

The violet light sweep across my eyes, from left to right; when it reached the edge of my right eye, a bright burst of violet light blinded me. I shut my eyes tight, cursing under my breath, and then I felt a clutch on my arm. Somebody pulled me by the hand, and we are running. 

“Quick! This way,” a male voice said to me. I blinked my eyes hard a few times, and light started to reach my retina again. My body ran like the wind, and so did the man that is pulling me. I had never been able to run this fast, it is as if my body is not in my control anymore! Curiously, I picked up my free hand; I am wearing a dark brown leather glove with a metal wrist band. This attire looked disturbingly familiar; I turned my palm up, and holy shit!! There is my hidden blade!! 

Suddenly, I was swung into a wall, and the door behind was seal shut. I quickly examined my other hand as the man is not clutching on it anymore, and there it is, another hidden blade. 

“Holy cows,” I exclaimed, while discovering my other weapons, “I am an assassin!” 

Just as I was intrigued with my weapons, the man slammed his fist onto my face. Extreme pain radiated from the cheek of my face, and I tasted blood in my mouth. He whispered harshly, “shut up!” 

Rubbing on my bruised cheek, I nodded curtly. 

“The guards are gone,” a man in the shadows said, “And I reckon that your teacher will be back soon.” 
The man that punched me nodded and walked away. I stonily stood where I was, watching him as he left the room. 

“My oh my,” the other man came out from the shadows and I got to see his face, isn’t that—
“Greetings, young lady, I am Leonardo Da Vinci,” he gestured for me to sit down; “you must be Dea Cellini.” 

“Dea?” I frowned; “Cellini?” and I thought to myself, Grandma Allison? She is a Cellini, I’m a Jones. But still, what the hell?! Leonardo?!  

“Aha,” Leonardo smiled, “you must be suffering from a temporary amnesia,” he shook his head, “that Piettro, how can he be so rough with ladies.”

I am? 

Suddenly, my vision started to be distorted, not blur, but distorted, just like a computer without high enough resolution. I looked around and blinked, not knowing what is happening. Before I know it, I am in an empty space with nothing, no borders no colors, nothing! 

“Jesus Christ, this must be a dream.” I looked down at my clothes; they are my jammies that I had put on when I was at home. 

“Haley Jones,” the same female automated voice echoed in the empty space, “you have accepted the mission, Mission 134: Noah’s Ark. And this is the briefing on what is happening, and what will happen.” 
I didn’t know what to expect, and I am already sure that this must be a dream, probably the most awesome one that I had ever have. After a loud beeping voice, a huge screen covering my whole view, as if it is engulfing me, appeared. It’s like watching an IMAX film; it’s just that I am standing… 

A man in a lab coat came into view, “good day, Ms. Jones, I’m doctor Voss. As you were told before, you are currently in the middle of a mission, Mission 134: Noah’s Ark. Before we start, I’ll ask you a question. Are you aware of your grandmother, Allison Cellini’s, hidden identity?” 

I shook my head; the only thing I remember about Grandma Allison is her delicious pie. 

The man sighed, “It’s just as we had feared; she hadn’t had the chance to tell you her secret. Your grandmother is a skilled assassin of her time. And you, Haley, are her legacy.” 

I smirked in secret, who’d have known that I am such a creative sleeper. Granma Allison’s an assassin; mom would think that I am mad again. 

“No Haley,” the man smiled, “you are not creative, and this is not a dream.” 

I shot up in shock, fuck! He read my mind… oh wait, doesn’t this confirm that this is a dream? Meh, I am freaking creative. 

He chuckled, “I am able to read you mind, because we are in your mind, Haley. Before you looked into the hologram, we were able to extract DNA samples from your thumb, which gives us access to your mind when, and only when, you looked into the hologram. That gives us about a few more seconds to chat. You will be escorted to our lab soon and your family was sent away to vacation.” 

“What? They left me at home just like that?” 

“You already knew, you simply forgot,” the man smiled. I frowned. 

“Now, let me continue with the technical details. According to our discovery, it is believe that in our mind, there are figments of ancestral memory, to illustrate, take a flying bird as an example. How do they know how to fly?” 

“Instinct?” I did the ‘you don’t say?’ expression. 

“And how did they get such instinct?” 

“Experience…” I am starting to get where this talk is directing to. I’ve heard this hypothesis once… 
“Bingo, through experience we learn instinct. That is the base of our experiment, where our ‘human instinct’ originates from our ancestors. After a series of experiments and investigation, we had come out with a machine that allows us to have a peek at our ancestors’ life, the Animus.” 

“That transparent device is an animus?” The animus that I remember from somewhere should look like a bed… Where have I heard about this? 

“No, that is device that brings you to a virtual reality. What you’ve seen is the memory extracted from another member of the mission,” then he grins, “It had also acted as a knock out device.” 

I took a step back, “So now I am in your grasp, unconscious. That sounds awfully dangerous.” 

“One of the reason why you have to join the mission,” his grin seemed more sinister as the moment grew, “but, aren’t you interested to have a look into your ancestral past? As I have told you, you are of assassin bloodline; you are an assassin.” 

“No I’m not,” I denied, “the only time I killed is in biology class.” 

“Your instinct has yet to be awakened. Besides, we are only reviving the memory, you don’t even need to raise a finger, and it’d be like watching a movie.” 

Something tells me that this does not smell right, “what about you? Are you an assassin too?” I asked, “Or are you with the Templars?” 

“You do know about us,” he raised his brows. 

“I believe I played a computer game regarding assassins and Templars many years ago,” I confessed, “but no, I had no idea that you guys still exist.” 

Us,” he insisted, “we still exist. And do you think that the computer game was just a coincidence?” 
I munched over his words, “It is a fairly famous game.” 

“If you think so,” he shrugged, “We should waste no more time. My men had brought you to the animus machine, shall we begin?” 

“What if I say no?” I challenged.   

“I don’t think you have a choice,” he arched his brows, “and before you go, the mission objective is to locate the Noah’s Ark—,” 

“What the hell?” my voice was drowned out as a gush of dizziness knocked me out again. 
I regained conscious to the voice of a man with heavy Italian accent, “I’ll travel to Venetia to investigate into Marcus De Von.” 

My body reacted by nodding, and saying, “I’ll go with you, teacher.” 

“No Dea,” he raised his hand, “you’ll go to Firenze to meet up with Lorenzo de Medici; the package is with him.” 

What package? 

“Yes teacher,” Dea nod once. 

“Piettro will go with you,” the teacher guy said.

Dea jumped up and almost shouted, “Impossible, I will not travel with that bull!” 

 “There’s no time for this nonsense,” teacher guy said in a low but harsh tone, “you will both go together, and you will both secure the package.” 

Dea took in a deep breath and I felt her fist tightening. 

Teacher guy leaned closer and held Dea’s shoulders, “I need you to make this work, Dea. Work with Piettro.” 

Dea looked at her teacher, and felt the urgency in his eyes, and she sighed, “Then, so be it.” 

Teacher guy smiled slightly and stood up with a frown. 

 “Ezio,” Leonardo, that was in the room but I did not notice him, called out to, wait—what?! Ezio Auditore?! 

“Be careful, you have become quite notorious lately,” Leonardo finished his sentence. 

“I’ll do so,” Ezio smiled at his old friend while I savored the last moments of staring at him, as he disappeared through the door, into the night. Oh my god, my great great great x infinity grandmother knows Ezio Auditore, the Ezio Auditore that I had played as so many times before; I simply cannot believe this, impossible, too bad I can’t pinch myself, too bad.  

“Leonardo,” Dea said, while I am still in my little world echoing ‘Ezio, really??’, “where’s Pietro?”